+2348054858787 rockofblessing@gmail.com


On this first day of the seventh month of theyear, I, under the power of the Word of God and by the authority of Sacred Orders established in and by Jesus Christ, bless you and all yours, this new month and the second half of the year: as the flood receded in the seventh month and the  ark of God appeared on the mountain (Gen 8:1-4) so may every flood of destruction, misfortune and affliction confronting you recede, your recession suffer recession and the new Covenant established in the blood of Jesus appear to speak for you and bless you, that in accordance with the scriptures (Lev 23:24-41) this month Mark’s a moment of rest, atonement, restoration and celebration for you, that the sound of the trumpet of victory and celebration be heard in your family from this month henceforth (Num 29:1,7,12; 1Kgs 8:2; 2Chron5:3), that from this month henceforth you shall have course to give testimonies and Thanksgiving sacrifices (Ezra 3:6) and that “the fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for you and all yours (Zech8:19). Fear not, arise and shine for God still loves you and cares about you, there is hope for you and the future is certainly brighter and holds great promises despite all you’re facing today and in spite of all the human projections and predictions. I speak incomprehensible peace, unshakable stability, unexpected breakthrough, unmeritted graces, uncommon favours, inexhaustible blessings and unlimited joy into every area of your life, family, job, business and life aspirations. Be assured of my prayers and blessings always.

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